Have you ever done homework? How do you feel when you got a lot of homework? Nowadays, homework is debated between teacher and student; also “parents don’t like homework any more than their kids do” (Strauss, 2009). According to article, “The Homework Debate” the author said, don’t make your kids do everything alone. When a teacher gives some homework to students, the teacher expects that parents and kids are talking to each other about the homework. Actually, a lot of homework can have bad effects to students. According to “Homework Problems” from University of Michigan Health System (2009), lots of homework may lead students to become tired and give up.
I also have trouble when I got lot of homework at CESL. Although I don’t mind about a less stress, if I got lots of homework I feel that I don’t want to do this and I don’t have a mind to even start. Students should not be given too much homework; also, a teacher should never give homework that students have not ever learned. Parents who also tried to make a good environment for their children can focus on homework.
First of all, does too much homework help elementary students? My answer is ‘no’. According to article “The Homework Debate”, a student who is in third grade of elementary school named Sabrina said two different subjects is okay, but it may not be more than 20 minutes. It means a minimum homework is something she doesn’t mind doing, but lots of homework may not only lead them to give up but may also make a student give up. It does not help them at all. It will make students just get stress, and they will come to hate homework, and even studying. A teacher should not give homework as a stressful thing.
Secondly, sometimes some teachers give homework to students that they haven't taught ever. According to an article “68 percent of the parents surveyed said that teachers use homework to cover material they haven’t had time to teach in class. Only 17 percent of teachers said that is why they assign homework” (Strauss, 2009, para. 13). We can realize that kids do homework that they have not learned ever. It may give a challenge to kids. I think a teacher should not give homework in this way. I think students shouldn't have to do homework that a teacher has not taught.
Finally, parents don’t make their children do everything. It means parents have a duty to care about their children. Parents should make a good environment for their children to focus on their job by turning off the TV when children study. According to the article “Homework Problem" (2009), parents should not help them with everything unless they request it. Children have to learn through doing homework, so if a parent helps with everything, their children may not get everything with it. Also if parents play when their children study, it not only disturbs their child’s attention but also makes them want to play.
In conclusion, homework is an important thing that improves your children’s skill. So, a teacher has to avoid giving lots of homework; also parents should help their kids in a right way. Don’t make them lose self-confidence with homework. Parents and teacher should both help kids to do their assignments.Homework Problems. (2009) University of Michigan Health System. Retrieved July 17, 2009, from http://www.med.unich.edu/1libr/pa/pa_bschlir_hhg.htm.
Strauss, V. (2009, January 27). The Homework Debate. Retrieved July 14, 2009, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/26/AR2009012602012)pf.html
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